Inference Web App for Branching Processes

To access the software repository for the branchpro Python package, please visit the Github here.

The online web server for the branchpro inference app is currently down. To access the app locally in your browser, please install the branchpro software (see Github link above) and then execute the following command:

python branchpro/apps/

Subsequently, navigate to the address on your preferred web browser to access the app.

Alternatively, all the functionality of the app can be accessed in Python code using the branchpro package; please refer to the API documentation.

The authors request users to cite the original publication when referring to the software application, any results generated from it, or any of the code on which this tool is based:

R. Creswell, D. Augustin, I. Bouros, H. J. Farm, S. Miao, A. Ahern, M. Robinson, A. Lemenuel-Diot, D. J. Gavaghan, B. C. Lambert and R. N. Thompson: “Heterogeneity in the onwards transmission risk between local and imported cases affects practical estimates of the time-dependent reproduction number,” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 380: 20210308 (2022). Joint first authors.

Disclaimer: The modelling framework adopted by this software tool involves a number of simplifying assumptions. Furthermore, the validity of any outputs is contingent on appropriate choices for the parameter values and the accuracy of user-uploaded data. The developers urge cautious interpretation of all results and renounce any responsibility for decisions made on the basis of this software. Please refer to the paper above for full details.